About Me
My desire to grow in a deep and effective way and to support others led me to the Sa‘Sen Yin training with Ria Panen Godesberg at the Sa’Sen Yin School for Therapists. Today, I work as a Sa‘Sen Yin Counsellor whilst raising my child and take great pleasure in doing both.
Due to my deep love for all humans in their individuality and uniqueness, I opened up my own practice to objectively and lovingly support them in their own process. I guide people to see their own issues more clearly, to find answers and solutions within themselves, to come into harmony with their inner Selves and to therefore strengthen their self-confidence. My years of profound research into my own inner Self as well as my energetic perceptiveness build the basis for my work.
I am very much looking forward to welcoming you to my practice and accompanying you for a part of your journey. I would be pleased to have you contact me via phone or e-Mail.
For more information about Ria Panen and the Sa’sen Yin School -Click Here